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Palboxen-125mg-Palbociclib | Buy Breast Cancer Medicine

Product Name: Palboxen

Generic Name: Palbocicilib

Strength: 125mg

Volume: 21 Capsule

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What is Palboxen-125mg-Palbociclib?

Palboxen-125mg-Palbociclib is a first-line and advanced medication to treat breast cancer in adult patients. It is a tyrosine kinase inhibitor that inhibits HR positive and HER-2 negative advanced breast cancer. Palboxen 125 mg is an effective and widely accepted generic version of palbociclib. Each Palboxen 125 mg capsule contains 125 mg palbociclib. Palboxen is manufactured and marketed by Everest Pharmaceutical by following all the indications of FDA approved palbociclib. It is cheaper compared to other available brand in the market but works as like other brand medication.

How Palboxen 125 mg works?

Palboxen 125 mg works by inhibiting the active kinase in the advanced or metastatic breast cancer.As a tyrosine kinase inhibitor it blocks the cancer cells so that it can not spread to other parts of the body. It also ensures that new cells are not born in the tumor and spreading to the other organs of the body.

Palboxen can be used alone or in combination with other medication according to the doctor prescription and doctors suggestion. It is a alone or combination treatment with other medication to treat advanced breast cancer.

How to take Palboxen 125 mg Palbociclib?

Palboxen is an oral medication for adult patient with breast cancer. The administration of Palboxen can be different for different patietns depending on their health condition, cancer stage and if they have other chronical disease. But in general below dosage and administration is recommended. Do not follow this administration schedule without your doctor’s or health care professional’s permission.

  • Take 125 mg of Palboxen everyday at the same time untili disease progression or you doctor ask you to stop.
  • You can take the medicine with or without food as your doctor suggest you.
  • Make sure you do not miss a dose  and you are not taking the medicine at the different time each day.
  • If you miss a dose inform your doctor what should you do.
  • Do not take double dose if you miss a dose.
  • Tell your doctor if you are taking other medicines at the same recommended time for palboxen.

What are the side effects of Palboxen 125 mg Palbociclib?

Like other midicines palboxen also has some side effects that can be mild to moderate. But there was no side effects found that can be deadly for patients who have taken Palboxen. If you face any side effects that you seem you can not tolerate contact your doctor immediately. For general purpose you can have a look at below mentioned side effects that are found on field research or informed by the patients.

  • You can have allergic reactions like skin rash, itching or irritating skin. But it should be gone after discontinuing the medicine.
  • Breathing problem is one of the severe side effects, if you see this going harsh ask your doctor whether you should stop the medicine or not. They may adjust your dose or fully stop the medicine until your side effect is fully gone.
  • If it affects in the lung you may face coughing and dizziness.
  • You may have low blood count if Palboxen affects your bone marrow and blood producing system.
  • There also you may have feelings of nausea, weakness, hair thinning and hair fall, and decrease in appetite.

These were the common side effects found on patients while they were taking Palboxen. There may have other side effects depending on patient’s health condition and medicine reaction.

What precautions should I take before taking Palboxen 125 mg capsule?

Precautions before taking any medication can save you from lots of unexpected physical condition during treatment. The following precautions you may take before taking palboxen 125 mg.

  • Go through a clinical test of your body if you have any other chronic disease. Or any of your organs is damged where Palboxen can make your health condition worse.
  • Tell your doctor about all the medications you are taking right now that can interect with Palboxen.
  • Ask your doctor which food you should avoid while taking palboxen. Doctor may tell you to avoid grape frutis and its juice.
  • Do not consume alcohol or do not smoke if you are going to take Palboxen.
  • Maintain a healthy and balanced daily routine to get better result from palboxen. Drink a lot of water and sleep sound, try to take organic food instead of process food. It will boost your immune system and your body will be more capable to absorve the chemical in the palboxen.
  • Avoid injuries before taking palboxen.
  • Ask your doctor for more precautions if you need.

Palboxen 125 mg price (Palbociclib 125 mg price in Bangladesh in 2025)

Price of Palboxen 125 mg is cheaper than other brand who made generic palbociclib. But the fact is Palboxen 125 mg is similarly effective like other brand medicine. Now it is widely recommended in Asian country like, Vietnam, India, Singapore, Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and Western countries like USA, Canda, Brazil , Middle ease countries like Uzbekistan, Kazakhastan and more on. In general the price of Palboxen 125 mg is around $70-$80. Contact with us to know the update price of Palboxen 125 mg in 2025.

Where to buy palboxen 125 mg palbociclib online?

Meds for Cancer is a trusted online oncology medicine store where you can buy Palboxen 125 mg globally. To buy contact us through our contact information which is given in the short description of the product, or the product image. Or you can directly message us by clicking our whats app button showing the right side of our product page. In terms of payment, we accept money exchange and direct bank transfer methods. Our shipping partner is a renowned global shipping company that ensures the delivery of the product within 7 days in any country of the world.



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