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There are 10 such signs that can assure you that you have lung cancer. Know what are those signs.
10 Warning Signs about Lung Cancer
Lung cancer is a cancer that starts in the lung, which is located right upper corner of the chest and abdomen. There are a few signs that should not be ignored are presented below.
A new cough that doesn’t go away after 2-3 weeks is one of the most common warning signs of lung cancer. This is especially true if you’re a smoker or have a history of smoking. Because 85% of the lung cancer is the result of smoking. (1)
If you have a chronic cough, any change in the pattern or severity of your cough could be a sign of lung cancer. For example, if your cough becomes more persistent or produces more phlegm, it’s important to see a doctor.
Coughing up blood or rust-colored phlegm is a serious warning sign of lung cancer. Even a small amount of blood in your sputum can be a sign that something is wrong. If you have this symptom do not waste your time without consulting with doctor it can be a life-threatening risk.
Shortness of breath, especially if it occurs with exertion or at rest, is another common warning sign of lung cancer. This is because lung cancer can block or narrow your airways, making it difficult to breathe.
Wheezing is a high-pitched whistling sound that occurs when you breathe. It can be a sign of lung cancer, especially if it’s a new symptom or if it’s accompanied by other symptoms such as shortness of breath or chest pain.
Chest pain can be a sign of lung cancer, especially if it’s worse when you breathe in deeply, cough, or laugh. If you feel the pain comes from your lung area it can be a sign of lung cancer.
Hoarseness is a change in the quality of your voice that makes it sound raspy or breathy. It can be a sign of lung cancer if it’s caused by a tumor pressing on the nerve that controls your vocal cords. If you see any changes in your voice for a long time consult your doctor fast.
Unexplained weight loss is a sign of many different types of cancer, including lung cancer. If you’ve lost weight without trying, it’s important to see a doctor to find the cause. Weight loss or gain is common and natural but if it is unexpected then it Is a fact of warning.
Bone pain, especially in the back or hips, can be a sign of lung cancer that has spread to the bones.
Fatigue, or extreme tiredness, is a common symptom of many different types of cancer, including lung cancer. If you’re feeling more tired than usual, it’s important to see a doctor to rule out any underlying medical conditions.